Care Partner Support Series
Next session begins Mondays, October 9th-Nov 6, 2023, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, five-week series.
The Care Partner Support Series is designed to be an educational support group which meets in person once a week for five weeks. This series will be led by certified Positive Approach to Care® Advanced Consultant, Jane Jarman. Through discussion and Q&A with other participants you will learn about dementia, discuss challenges, share resources and explore support strategies. We encourage communication and participation in asking questions.
Join us in person at Touchmark at Pilot Butte, Bend OR
Connect with other family care partners that understand what you are experiencing
Gain practical insights from a Positive Approach to Care® Certified Advanced Consultant and group facilitator
Topics covered include:
Week 1 : Facing dementia
Week 2 : Skills and coping
Week 3: The long haul - daily support,
Week 4: Taking stock & taking care of you
Week 5: Putting it all together
What is it?
The series includes 90 minute sessions over the period of five weeks. The series will be taught on-going throughout the year, with varying times and dates. If the current series does not fit in your schedule, please contact us or check our website page for upcoming series dates.
What do I need to participate?
The ability and commitment to participate in ALL FIVE sessions.
How much does it cost?
$125 person for the five-week series.
Who will be facilitating?
Jane Jarman B.S., Dementia Connections LLC. Teepa Snow Positive Approach to Care® certified Independent Advanced Consultant and Trainer.